For Exhibitors
Interested in exhibiting at the Lift Cannabis Expo? Simply click here to get started.
For Sponsors
We have several sponsorship opportunities available to help raise your brand’s profile at the expo. Contact us if you’d like to discuss further or explore a custom sponsorship package.
For Speakers
Do you have an important message that you’d like to share? Vancouver's Lift Cannabis Expo just might be the perfect place to share it. The expo features a large stage with A/V equipment and seating for over 100 people – all right inside an exhibition hall packed with thousands of cannabis enthusiasts.
Contact us and we’d be happy to discuss further the types of speaking opportunities available for our upcoming show on Sep 17-18, 2016.
For Attendees
We’re excited to have you attend! Over 100 exhibitors from across Canada, the United States, and Europe, all there to show their wares and support Canada’s growing industry. Plus, two days of speakers and panel discussions on a variety of interesting topics.
Tickets are now available for purchase here. Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. You can also provide your email and we’ll notify you about important announcements. Just enter your email below.